NEW DELHI: India on Saturday reported 8,329 cases of the Corona infection in 24 hours, which are 10 more than the previous day and the highest in 103 days as against the peak of 8,013 cases on February 28.
As many 84% of these were from five states, with the highest 3081 in Maharashtra, followed by 2415 in Kerala, 655 in Delhi, 525 in Krnataka and 327 in Haryana. The authorities have been asked to increase the Coronavirus testing in these states.
The Health Ministry reported 10 deaths, five of them in the past in Kerala, 2 in Delhi and 1 each in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. The total deaths in the country went up to 5,24,757.
The total infections in the country went up to 4,32,13,435, though 4,26,48,308 of them recovered, giving the national recovery rate of 98.69% The daily positivity rate is 2.41% and the weekly rate 1.75%. The active cases in the country went up to 40,370 as againt 36,267 on the previous day.
The national vaccination reached 194.92 crore, with 15.08 lakh doses of vaccine imparted in the past 24 hours up to 7 am on Saturday.