Chandigarh/ Metro Encounter Network
The 5-day national conference on the topic, ” Creating Future Path of Scientific Development in 75th Year of Independence ” took off at the NITTER, Sector 26, highlighting the glorious contribution made by the Indian scientists to the cause of nation’s freedom.
In his presidential address Dr Rajnish Arora, former vice-chancellor of the PTU, Kapurthala, underlined that normally we discuss the freedom struggle in ” naram dal” and “garam dal” but we never talk about contribution made by other sections of the society, and in that context it is of utmost importance that the contribution of Indian scientists is given due recognition.
He said the nation must remember that the first satyagraha was launched by renowned scientist JC Bose because , in spite of his academic qualifications and professional accomplishments he was not given a salary at par with the British scientists. ” Bose protests and the British government had to accept his demand of parity in emoluments”, Dr Rajnish said.
Similarly, the Indian Institute of Science was set up in Bangalore for which Sister Nivedita collected funds from the people across the country. Later, how PC Roy protested against the Rowlatt act is also something that needs to be brought to light today.
Prof. (Dr.) S.S. Pattnaik, Director, NITTTR Chandigarh shared the outline and objectives of the conference. In his welcome address he propounded the need to orient our young generation to the contribution of Freedom Struggle Torch Bearers hailing from different dimensions including scientists, educationists, social reformers in addition to freedom fighters who paved the way for Modern India.
Guest of Honour of Inaugural Function – Prof. (Dr.) Adarsh Pal Vig, Chairman, Punjab Pollution Control Board emphasized on the scientific temperament of the Indian scientists who did not surrender to the indifferent attitudes of the tyrants. He further talked about the strategies adopted by the intruders (foreigners) to weaken the cultural roots of Bharat.
Dr. Harmohinder Singh Bedi, Chancellor, Central University of Himachal Pradesh – Expert speaker on topic ‘Punjabi Heroes of Freedom Struggle’ shared about various freedom struggle movements of Punjab – Babbar movement, establishment of Gurkul kangri, Kuka Andolan; Freedom fighters – Diwan Singh Kale Pani, Madan Lal Dhingra, Kartar Singh Sarabha, Lala Hardayal, Puran Singh; and Writers – Nanak Singh from Punjab. He talked about the mammoth role that Punjab (part of Undivided Bharat at that time) had played during earlier century through knowledge transfer via ancient Universities like Takshila.
Prof. Arun Kumar Grover, Ex Vice Chancellor, PU Chandigarh – Expert speaker on the topic ‘Role of Scientists in Indian Freedom Struggle’ shared the details about the contribution of Scientists till 1930 and the period beyond. He brought forward the contribution of Prof. Ashutosh Mukherjee who was made In-charge of Calcutta University and very strategically introduced the concept of Chair Professorship raising the funds from his lawyer friends and also established Post Graduate College of Science. Prof. Grover also shared glimpses from the life of Sir C.V. Raman a civil servant who used to do research as a hobby at India Institute of Cultivation Sciences and was nurtured to move forward to the frontier areas of his motivation i.e. research and his work was acknowledged in form of Noble Prize in 1930. Prof. Grover further emphasised the contribution of Prof. Saha and Prof. Bhatnagar who then took the India’s scientific journey forward. Bhatnagar was the first Chairman of UGC, India.