From Our Bureau
NEW DELHI: The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways have made easy the application of the International Driving Permit (IDP) in uniform manner across the country.
The notification gazetted on August 26 ensures uniform format, size and colour of IDP standardised for issuance across India in adherence to the Geneva convention. Provision of QR code to link the IDP with the driving licence has also been made. A Comparison of vehicle categories across various conventions and Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 has also been added to facilitate the regulatory authories. Helpline numbers and email have also been provided.
India, being a signatory to Convention on International Road Traffic of 1949 (Geneva Convention), is required to issue IDP as provided under this Convention, for the acceptance of the same on reciprocal basis with other countries.
The IDL booklet shall be in A6 format (148x105mm), its cover in Grey and the inside pages white. The cover will provide validity until, issued by and what place and date. The inside back cover will have spaces for QR code for the domestic driving licence and the inernational driving permit, detailing validity up to and name of the issuing authority.