NEW DELHI: Five days after his retirement as the governor of Meghalaya, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Saturday interrogated Satya Pal Malik (76), a Jat leader from western Uttar Pradesh, at its headquarters here on his allegation that he was offered a bribe of Rs 300 crore to clear two files when he was the governor of Jammu and Kashmir during the President’s rule.
The CBI inquiry into his allegation was ordered earlier by the Centre while transfering Malik from Jammu and Kashmir to Goa in 2019. He had then alleged that the bribe was offered to him to clear two files of “Ambanis” by a “person associated with RSS,” but he rejected the offer.
Soon after his sensational allegation of the bribe, the most powerful Ram Madhav was relieved from his responsibility as the BJP general secretary, in-charge of J&K. Madhav had come in the BJP from the RSS.
Even during his tenure as the governor of Bihar, Goa, J&K and Meghalaya, Malik created a score of controversies including his open support to the farmers’ agitation, criticising the Modi government in public for bringing three controversial agricultural laws that it had to rescind ultimately.