From Our Bureau
NEW DELHI: You just dial 1930 as fast as possible on a new financial fraud portal if you become a victim of any cyber fraud to help police act swiftly to freeze the siphoned off money.
It is so easy. Call up the home ministry’s helpline no. 1930 and the police swings into action after asking a minimum mandatory details of the fraudulent transaction, proceeding to retrieve and revert the money into your account while separately initiate the process of tracing the fraudster.
As soon as the police sounds the digital alert, the new system stops the flow of the defrauded money and reports back to the portal. In case the money has been shifted to another intermediary, the alert is sent to freeze the amount. The process is repeated till the amount has been kept on temporary hold, withdrawn or spent online.
The alert goes to the beneficiary bank, wallet or merchant to trace and freeze the amount.
All that you have to do is to lodge a formal complaint within 24 hours, based on an SMS having the reference number and a link to
Once a formal complaint is received giving all the details to be filled up on the form on this national cybercrime portal, the police follows up to retrieve the amount and deposit it back in the bank account of the victim.