Union Minister Piyush Goyal on Thursday played the googly in the Rajya Sabha offering a short duration discussion on Manipur to get the issue off the government’s chest in tune with the Prime Minister being ready for the discussion.
The Opposition, however, protested over Goyal volunteering the discussion instead of stopping all business and discuss Manipur. The ruckus forced Chairman Jagdeep Dhankar to adjourn the House till 2 PM. The Lok Sabha was already adjourned till 2 PM as homage on death of two sitting members since the last session. Manipur is also listed on the Lok Sabha by various leaders, including Manish Tewari of the Congress.
Opposition leader Mallikarjun Kharge was the first to protest at Goyal trying to dictate the discussion mode, followed by Trinamul Congress leader Derek O’Brien said the issue should be taken up closing all other matters and the Prime Minister come to the House to respond. Kharge insisted to cancel all business and take up Manipur instead of treating it just as a small issue.