Its spokesman Pawan Khera said the government agencies started supplying this rice since after Prime Minister Modi’s declartion in his Independence Day address in 2021.
He said there is no clarity who decides the government policies and whose interests the consultants are serving who suggest the changes without any word from the scientists. He said no research, no consultation while 137 lakh tonnes of fortified rice has been consumed in the country by 80 crore people.
Khera said it is not being decided by the scientists or bureaucrats, but by the contractors and the consultants. Why did PM decide it? A Netherland firm has already set up a factory in India with Rs 1800 crore business for producing the fortified rice as mandatory. Half a dozen NGOs funded by this firm have been lobbying for its rice.
These master strokes by the Prime Minister kept harming the consumers as experts say the iron fortified rice is supplied without knowing the harms that it can cause. It is harmful to those down with Thaleisma and diabetes. They are in the resource centre of the government.