From Our Bureau
NEW DELHI: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) on Wednesday conducted enforcement raids in Vashi, Navi Mumbai, and seized a large number of toys violating the quality control order, 2020.
The raids were conducted in Inorbit Mall, Vashi at Dua Lima Retails Pvt Ltd and Cross World Book Store, Pvt Ltd. They revealed the two companies ere selling non-ISI toys in violation of Toys (Quality Control) Order. BIS is initiating action in the appropriate court of law.
The Violation of the order is punishable with imprisonment up to two years or a fine of minimum Rs. 2 lakh or both under sections of BIS Act 2016.
As per Toys (Quality Control) Order all Toys shall be BIS certified as per IS 9873-1(safety aspects related to mechanical & physical properties) & IS 15644(safety of electrical toys) and shall possess standard mark with valid BIS license number on it. During the search and seizure operation, it was unearthed that the toys did not have the IS-9873-1 certification.
A large number of such Toys found during the raid were seized and supporting evidence indicating that the firms were involved in selling these toys, which forms a violation of Clause 17(1) under BIS Act 2016, was collected. The clause prohibits the manufacture, import, distribution, sale, hiring, leasing, storing or exhibiting for sale, goods without a Standard mark, except under a valid licence.
Meanwhile The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has issued notice to the e-commerce entities Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal to reply within seven days on the sale of sub-standard toys.
It has also written to the Director General, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to take immediate cognizance of the matter and take necessary action.
CCPA has expanded the country-wide campaign to prevent sale of spurious and counterfeit goods that violate Quality Control Orders (QCOs) published by the Central Government to include consumer durables such as electric immersion water heaters, electric iron, domestic gas stove, microwave oven, sewing machines etc.
In this regard, CCPA has written to District Collectors across India to investigate unfair trade practices and violation of consumer rights concerning manufacture or sale of such goods and submit Action Taken Report to CCPA.
Under Section 2(10) the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, “defect” means any fault, imperfection or shortcoming in the quality, quantity, potency, purity or standard which is required to be maintained by or under any law for the time being in force or under any contract, express or implied or as is claimed by the trader in any manner whatsoever in relation to any goods or product and the expression “defective” shall be construed accordingly. Thus, toys which do not conform to the compulsory standards are liable to held ‘defective’ under the Act.
The toys faulted by the CCPA include webby alkie talkie toy with 1oo feet range, storio toys, dancing cactus, zoobee pack take apart truck, car toys for kids, wudcraft push and go durable 4-wheel drive monster truck toy, Hreyanshi collection flight radio, migwow stunt car, naughty digital dancing robot, Stallion trading dancing cactus, musical toys, singing, recording repeat what you say, and rattle toys.