From Our Bureau
NEW DELHI: Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate on Friday had a chance meeting with a senior BJP leader at the Jaipur airport and she was shocked to hear from him.
He told her that posters and hoardings with Prime Minister Modi’s World Cup were ready all over Rajasthan. If the team had won, all the hoardings currently installed would have been replaced with World Cup hoardings.He showed a picture of a poster on the phone – Prime Minister Modi, wearing an India jersey, holding a trophy in his hand, was smiling brightly while showing the V meaning victory.

The BJP leader further said that there was a plan to take the team in an open bus and tour it to some capitals including Jaipur.

On her request to share picture, he declined saying that very few people have this picture, I will get trapped, otherwise I would have definitely given it.

Supriya said: “Imagine, this was planning. Mr Modi is very creditworthy.”

The BJP prepared for the World Cup Final win with printing banners and hoardings in Rajasthan. These banners had PM Modi’s photo in cricket jersey showing victory(V) signs.

The plan was to remove the election hoardings and put up to bombard Team India player’s pictures with Panauti PM.

The BJP leader also revealed that they planned a roadshow in Jaipur for Indian players with PM Modi in an open bus and ICC Trophy.

Most interestingly, he showed those plans and pictures to @SupriyaShrinate and said not to share because it was kept secret among Top leaders.

Can you imagine how low they would go if India would have won the WC against Australia on Sunday? This is just unreal. But I am not surprised at all.

In fact, even after losing the Panauti (bad omen) didn’t leave anything to get publicity out of that. Courtesy Rahul Gandhi brought him down on knees after his remarks.


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